00:08:03 - Only Love
00:03:59 - Glory
00:08:45 - Mighty Book of Matthew
00:12:31 - My Journey to Heaven
00:18:00 - I Gotta Little Light
00:22:09 - Nine Pound Hammer
00:28:33 - Stuck Between A Rock And A Hard Place
00:32:25 - Do My Very Best
00:35:20 - Trouble
00:38:37 - Who, What, and Where
00:42:32 - Going On With Jesus
00:45:57 - Not A Bump In The Road
00:50:01 - You Reap What You Sow
00:53:32 - Someday Soon
00:58:30 - Johnny and Jack
01:02:43 - Hank Williams
01:05:12 - Happy Day Lord
01:08:25 - Beyond The Shadow Of A Doubt
01:12:44 - Meeting In The Air
01:16:20 - The Ballad of Truitt Casey
01:21:01 - Shady Lane
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